5 Lovely Things Vol. 1.0: Things to help start the New Year strong
/So here's a little known/actually probably well known fact about me... I'm soooo terrible at being self disciplined. Thus, any and all "New Year Resolutions" I've had have been more like "New Year Jokes". For reals though. I'm terrible.
This is my very serious face so that you'll believe me when I say, truly, truly... I am so terribly terrible at self discipline.
So, this year instead of making a new joke I decided to choose some things that would just help me be more disciplined. Since... that's really the root of all my problems in life. Eat tacos... or pay bills? tacos. Watch Netflix.... or do laundry? Netflix. duh. Paint my nails.... or clean stuff? nailzzzz. These thoughts happen on the daily. #oops
So, here are my 5 Lovely things for the week that are hopefully helping me to start off my New Year strong.
1. Planner
a) I'm obsessed with Sugar Paper LA. Their products are the bomb diggity and they sell them at Target where I spend 99% of my life... and my money.
b) I love writing everything down, in pencil. Does that make me old? I can't handle google calendar or writing things on my tiny phone keyboard. Give me all the paper and all the pencils. please. and a lot of erasers.
c) I love the layout of this planner. It includes a big monthly view, monthly goals, weekly goals and a large slot for writing each day out. I'm all about compartmentalizing life and this one has alll the compartments. I love it.
2. Tile
This one doesn't necessarily help with discipline... but it helps keep my sanity so that's pretty great. I've had this for a while longer than the start of this year but dang, people. I love it. Where I am lacking in discipline I am also lacking in memory. I make up for it all in beauty, don't worry. hahaha. But seriously, my memory it is terrible.
So I'm constantly losing my keys, my phone, my purse... errything. Enter TILE. have you seen them?! You just attach them to whatever you want (I think they have sticky things to attach them to things that aren't keys) and then program it with an app on your phone. Now, anytime you lose your keys or whatever you get into the app and have it track down the location of your keys. It also plays this cute little song so you can find it. Kind of a struggle if you lose your phone and your keys... but I have yet to be that awesome. I'm sure there will come a day.
Tile. get one. it will keep you sane.
3. Calendars. All of them.
I'm a very visual learner. Usually my months go something like this:
"I'm going to be awesome this month! It's January! Let's do this!"
..."crap... is it really February? I forgot to do all the awesome things."
"I'm going to be awesome this month! It's February! Let's do this!"
..."crap... it's March?! I forgot to do all the awesome things."
"MARCH! Awesome! Things! Maybe? meh. maybe in April."
So this year my bff Target sold a million amazing calendars in the dollar section and I bought them all. I'm plastering them everywhere to remind myself how many days I have left to be awesome and that I can't let my goals and dreams slip away so easily. Remind Remind Remind... that's the secret to an awesome me.
4. Ridiculous Glasses
A lot of days I take life way too seriously. And also, I really struggle with caring WAY too much about what people think of me. So, I buy fake glasses. And I wear them. In public. At first I broke out in sweats because they are pretty ridiculous and some of mine don't even have lenses #ghettoglasses But the more I wore them the more they made me laugh. It was like a secret joke with myself. A lot of people would compliment me or just stare at the glasses that are larger than my face. I've learned to just let it go and let it make me laugh. So, find something that makes you happy and helps you take life a little less serious.
5. Daily Inspiration
I spend way too much time talking to myself with negative words. Not believing I can do things or focusing on everything I'm not instead of everything I am. I'm determined to surround myself with some love this year and to focus on the lies I believe. This little dry erase board from you guessed it, the target dollar section, is my first weapon of choice. I'm excited to document the messages I'll be writing.
So, those are the things I'll be using to start my year off strong and try to tackle being at least 5% more disciplined. What are some of your new year goals? Whatever they are, you can do it. I believe in you. You are you, and that's enough.
The Lovely Adventurer