Tie the Knot

Matrimony Monday: Literally Tie the Knot

So by now you have probably learned that I like to do anything that is a little bit unique.  I'm not about being over the top, but I also don't like doing things just like everyone else.  So when we thought about what to do during the ceremony to show we were "united" like lighting a candle together or having a sand ceremony (all beautiful ideas), we wanted to be a little bit different.  And my dear husband actually came up with this idea!  I was so proud.

We quite literally "tied the knot".  If you know Russ, you know that he loves ropes and knots and jumping off of dangerously high heights (preferably with a harness and rope...although sometimes not).  So we thought what better way to symbolize our marriage than to tie a figure 8 knot! :) So I went do Home Depot and bought two different colors of rope and we cut small pieces to use during the ceremony.  Tim, who married us, took them out just before he announced us as husband and wife.  So we "tied the knot", prayed and then kissed and lived happily every after :)

Although you can't see it very well in the pictures, I hope you sort of get the idea of what we did.

I loved this.  I loved that it was just so us.  I was pretty nervous I would completely forget how to tie the knot, but somehow God reminded me and it worked out perfectly.  I have yet to put our "knot" in a keepsake box but it is on my extensive "I should do that someday" list :)  It was a beautiful way to symbolize our new adventure together, as one. as us. 


be unique. L.O.V.E. what you do, friends.