it's beautiful. i love it.
My beautiful mama painted the tree and the birds in the middle along with our initials. She is a beautiful painter (my sister inherited that). We had sharpies sitting out by the card suitcase and my two beautiful friends Julie and Liesel showed people where they could sign. There are so many cool personal notes. Some people were serious, some people were ridiculously silly, some signed under the bench others signed on top. There is just love every where you look on that bench. It makes me happy.
And forever, we will have a bench that my father made for our wedding. A bench that everyone who attended, Australian and American, signed. It will sit at the foot of our bed as a reminder of the most beautiful day of our lives. That, friends, is beautiful and probably more than I had ever thought this bench would be when I found the idea.
There are so many awesome guest book alternatives out there. Puzzles, jenga pieces (a recent favorite find), mad libs, thumbprint trees... so many. Find one that will remind you of the most beautiful and perfect day of your life.
and as always, I hope you have found inspiration to do what you L.O.V.E.